A tribute to Avicii.


Hey Brother. While I am out here indulging in your music, your family and friends are mourning over your passing. For without you, the realm of EDM would not have been this wholesome. You imposed crazy high standards through the depths of your songs. The jagged beats, the up-tempo tunes that made me inclined to hop on to my feet no matter the circumstances. Avicii, we were never lonely together. Because we had your company. The entire globe relied on your music. For your music fostered a robust community. Through your songs, we found our voices. Through your songs, millions bonded. Like broken arrows at foresight, we slowly found a point of convergence through your songs. We partied, we broke our ankles, we lived, and we got up because your songs united us through a personal level. 

We squealed, we shouted, we prayed. Because we loved seeing you thrive. You crafted your songs as if you were speaking to the kids of the 2000s, and even multiple of generations back. During the hours where we would supposedly be drowning in our own sorrows, your songs hoisted our spirits. It led us back to life, to the days. The life we are living. You reminded us of the days, and the nights. And that these are the days, we won't regret, nor will we forget. The broad spectrum of profound meanings and realism you deployed in your scriptures made us relate. Not only to your music. But we related to you. Through your songs. You made us, and you've touched a part of our hearts. You made us feel invincible. You made us want to level higher than our initial abilities, it was as if we were suddenly climbing levels and we felt unstoppable. Through your voice, we tasted the highest highs. During our lowest lows, we all sought for a better day

We will wake you up when it's over. For now, you've woken us up. You've shaken us up from a perpetual cycle of our sense of unappreciation towards your music. We never sought to appreciate every detail of it. Because we were too overwhelmed before. Now, we fade into darkness. While we lost you along the way, your music will remain ingrained in the minds of ours. It is the sound of now. Dear friend of mine, my feelings for you will stay embedded. 

Thank you, divine sorrow

Those were a few of my favourite songs from Avicii. Paying tribute to one of the best, renowned, EDM artists of this generation. Gone too soon. 




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